Amany Abdelnour is in the Master of Development Practice program at The Humphrey School. A native of Egypt, Amany is the current president of the Humphrey International Student Association (HISA).
Location of your internship experience.
Mizoram University, Mizoram, India
Describe your internship or summer work experience.
I worked with a team of MDPers on assessing value chains in Mizoram India in order to improve farmers' livelihoods while taking into consideration nature reservation. We worked hand-in-hand with Mizoram University team of researchers, professors, and subject-matter experts. We conducted interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders along the value chains of three crops.
What sparked your desire to choose your program of study at The Humphrey School?
I graduated with a bachelor degree in economics and I worked in research and consulting after graduation and by coincidence the majority of the research and consulting work I have done was development-focused so I decided to come back to school to enhance my knowledge and expertise in development practice. I worked and still work on multiple development subjects including but not limited to entrepreneurship, sustainable agriculture, eco-agri-tourism, refugees access to finance, young girls access to sports, financial inclusion, etc.
My best advice for an entering/future Humphrey student is...
A master's degree is what you make out if it. Unlike undergrad, there are less and less people around pushing you to do things. Instead, you draw your own path and create your own journey through grad school.
What are six words you would use to describe your experience as a Humphrey student.
Educational, inclusive, stimulating, inspiring