Humphrey School Academic Policies

Master's Degree and Certificate Programs

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Academic Integrity and Student Conduct

Students are responsible for adhering to all principles of academic integrity and student conduct.


Each student will be assigned a Career and Student Success professional advisor and an initial faculty advisor. Review the roles of each advisor and procedures for changing faculty advisor.

Annual Review

In consultation with faculty advisor and DGS, Career and Student Success professional advisors will review the progress of each student annually. Students deemed not to be in good standing (per definitions of satisfactory academic standing below) will be informed of the results of the review in writing, with a copy to the student’s faculty advisor.

Continuous Enrollment

Students are required to enroll every fall and spring semester from the time of matriculation until degree conferral.

Course Substitutions

Students are required to complete all degree or post-baccalaureate certificate requirements, including all required core and concentration courses. In very rare cases, substitutions can be requested by following the course substitution process.

Course Waivers

Students may request a waiver of either a core course or a concentration course if they believe they previously have studied that material at a comparable level. Review specifics about the waiver process, including PA 5012, PA 5021, PA 5031, and other courses.

Foreign Language

Courses in foreign languages are encouraged but will not count toward degree or certificate requirements.

GPA Minimum

To remain in good academic standing students must maintain a GPA of 2.800 (on a 4.000 scale) in both the cumulative GPA and in courses used to fulfill degree requirements. Students who fall below minimum GPA requirements will have an academic hold placed on their record and may be terminated from the program.

Grad999 Registration

Grad999 is a zero-credit/zero-tuition registration. Permission to register for Grad999 is granted rarely and can be requested by contacting professional advisors in the Humphrey School Office of Career and Student Success office, [email protected], 612-624-3800.

Graduate Level Coursework

All coursework for use in Humphrey School programs must be taken for graduate credit and must be at the level of 5000 or above. Courses at the 4000-level (or lower) are not allowed. There are no exceptions to this policy.


To remain in good academic standing, the maximum number of credits of incompletes allowed is six (6) at any one time. Students must review the terms and conditions and file a Contract for Completion of Incomplete Grades to request a grade of incomplete.

Independent or Directed Study

Students may apply a maximum of 6 credits of independent or directed study toward their Humphrey degree or post-baccalaureate certificate, guided by a specific faculty member, registering for that faculty member's section of PA 8991.

Leave of Absence

Students may request an approved Leave of Absence if they will not be registering for a fall or spring semester.

Satisfactory Academic Standing

When a student falls below satisfactory academic standing, a hold is placed on the student's record that restricts registration for future semesters. In addition, the student's enrollment may be cancelled or the student may be permanently discontinued from the program. GPA To remain in good academic standing students must maintain a GPA of 2.800 (on a 4.000 scale) in both the cumulative GPA and in courses used to fulfill degree requirements. Students who fall below minimum GPA requirements will have an academic hold placed on their record and may be terminated from the program. Incompletes To remain in good academic standing, the maximum number of credits of incompletes allowed is six (6) at any one time. Students must review the terms and conditions and file a Contract for Completion of Incomplete Grades to request a grade of incomplete. Annual Review In consultation with faculty advisor and DGS, Career and Student Success professional advisors will review the progress of each student annually. Students deemed not to be in good standing will be informed of the results of the review in writing, with a copy to the student’s faculty advisor.

Temporary Health Conditions

Students will be accommodated for temporary health conditions such as broken limbs, surgery, viruses, pregnancy and child birth. Students should be excused without penalty during their illness and recovery. In the case of women who give birth while pursuing a degree, this includes possible complications during pregnancy and from childbirth and the time they need to recover, whatever that is. Instructors will make accommodations, which may include allowing students to: make up work, submit work in advance, submit work late, or take an incomplete, as agreed upon between individual students and instructors. It is the responsibility of students to approach faculty members to discuss accommodations in advance of anticipated absences, whenever possible.

Time Limit for Earning the Master's Degree or Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

Students have five years to complete degree or certificate requirements. Students who are unable to complete with the time limit may file a Time Extension Request for an extension of up to 12 months. Students should initiate the request through their Humphrey Career and Student Success advisor.

Transfer Credits

Consult with professional academic advisor in Humphrey Career and Student Success for interpretation of policy requirements and approval of transfer work. Review the full transfer credits full policy.

Workload Per Credit

One semester credit represents at least three actual hours of work per week (including lectures, labs, recitations, study time, and so on).