225 Humphrey School
301 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States
In a world that needs visionaries, the Master of Human Rights (MHR) degree program prepares students to engage in global human rights challenges through research, policy analysis, and advocacy.
This interdisciplinary degree program provides a solid grounding in diverse substantive and methodological approaches to the study and practice of human rights. Students have the opportunity to take courses through a number of departments and schools that match their area of concentration. The program is designed to support emerging leaders who can draw upon many types of knowledge and experiences in a field that demands innovative responses to complex challenges. Students learn both theory and skills development from leading human rights scholars, thinkers, and activists, while gaining field experience through internships, research opportunities, and capstone projects to apply strategic approaches to complex global and local issues.
The MHR program is jointly supported by the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and the College of Liberal Arts, and brings together the highly regarded offerings of the graduate minor in human rights and faculty expertise in fields ranging from non-governmental organization (NGO) management to global public policy. The program leverages the global policy, leadership and management, and social policy and policy analysis expertise at the Humphrey School and the Human Rights research and teaching expertise of the College of Liberal Arts.
Want to learn more about how an MHR degree could help you pursue your goals and advance your vision?
- Watch a video featuring current and former MHR students, who talk about what they've gained from their two-year degree.
- Watch an overview of the MHR program from Amelia Shindelar, MHR and Human Rights Initiative coordinator.
- Visit the Human Rights Program’s website to see some of the learning and research opportunities that our students have participated in while at the University of Minnesota.
- Watch an interview with Barbara Frey, retired director of the Human Rights Program, who shares three fantastic reasons to apply for an MHR degree.
Class profile
MHR Class Profile: 2023-24
- Incoming Students: 16
- Minnesota Residents: 38%
- International Students: 31%
- Gender: Female: 81%, Male: 19%
- Domestic Students of Color: 6%
- Average Age: 27
- Average GPA: 3.85
- Percent of Class total: 9%
MHR Career Statistics: Class of 2023
11 Graduated, 10 known reported (91%)
- Known employed or continuing to further degree: 91%
- Actively job seeking: 0%
- Government employment: 10%
- Nonprofit employment: 60%
- Private sector employment: 10%
- Continuing education: 20%
Prospective applicants: please note that all applications are reviewed holistically, and profile numbers should not be viewed as admission cutoffs. Please contact the Office of Admissions with any questions about candidacy.
Note: These numbers reflect the most recent data available; due to rounding, percentages may not always add up to 100 percent.
Required Credits: 45
Required 1st year courses:
- PA 5885: Human Rights Policy: Issues and Actors (3 cr.)
- PA 5886/5887: MHR Cohort Seminar I&II (1 credit per semester x 2 semesters = 2 credits)
Choose at least 2 of the following 5 courses for at least 6 credits:
- HIST 8910: Sec 002 Human Rights and Race (3 cr.)
- HIST 8245: Human Rights: A Global History (3 cr.)
- LAW 6886: International Human Rights Law (3 cr.)
- GLOS 5403: Human Rights Advocacy (3 cr.)
- SOC 8171: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights (3 cr.)
Minimum of 12 credits. Must include at least one course from each of the following lists:
- Quantitative (choose at least 1)
- PA 5031: Statistics for Public Affairs (4 cr.)
- PA 5032: Applied Regression (2 cr.)
- PA 5045: Statistics for Public Affairs, Accelerated (4 cr.)
- PA 5046: Econometrics for Public Policy (4cr.)
- SOC 5811: Social Statistics for Graduate Students (4 cr.)
- STAT 5021: Statistical Analysis (4 cr.)
- STAT 5401: Applied Multivariate Methods (3 cr.)
- *Note: Other higher level options are available for students with a strong statistical background, with DGS approval.
- Qualitative (choose at least 1)
- PA 5041: Qualitative Methods for Policy Analysts (4 cr.)
- OLPD 5061: Ethnographic Research Methods (3 cr.)
- SOC 8852: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods: Ethnographic Practicum (3 cr.)
- Management (choose at least 1):
- PA 5011: Dynamics of Public Affairs Organizations (3 cr.)
- PA 5101: Management and Governance of Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) (Domestic focus)
- Policy and Economic Analysis (minimum 1 course).
- PA 5002: Introduction to Policy Analysis (1.5 cr.)
- PA 5021: Microeconomics for Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
- PA 5012: Politics of Public Affairs (3 cr.)
- PA 5801: Global Public Policy (3 cr.)
- PA 5022: Applications of Economics for Policy Analysis (1.5-3 cr.)
- PA 5431: Public Policies on Work and Pay (3 cr.)
- PA 5503: Economics of Development (3 cr.)
- PA 5521: Development Planning and Policy Analysis (4 cr.)
- PA 5722: Environmental and Resource Economics Policy (3 cr.)
- PA 5805: Global Economics (3 cr.)
Minimum of 12 credits to be drawn from a list of pre-designed concentrations or developed in consultation with advisor and DGS.
The list of pre-designed concentrations below (and outlined in further detail in the next dropdown menu) is suggestive only. Students will be allowed, with approval from their advisor and the DGS, to pursue a self-designed concentration that modifies these, or depart from them entirely. Current concentrations include, but are by no means limited to:
- Arts and Humanities
- Conflict, Security and Diplomacy
- Crime, Law, and Justice
- Development
- Environment
- Gender and Sexuality
- Migration
- NGO Leadership and Management
- Project and Policy Evaluation
- Public Health
- Race and Ethnicity
- Research Methods
MHR students must complete either a Capstone project or a Professional Paper. Students who choose to complete a Capstone must take the Capstone Preparation workshop PA 5080 (1 cr.) and a section of the Capstone Workshop PA 8081.
Additional Information on Capstones can be found on the Capstone Workshop webpage.
Students who chose to complete a Professional Paper can take either PA 8082: Professional Paper Writing Workshop (3 cr.) or PA 8921 Masters: Professional Paper (1–3 cr.). Additional information can be found on the Professional Paper webpage.
- As needed/available to fulfill a minimum of 45 credits needed for graduation.
- May include courses that develop relevant skills, such as public speaking; advanced statistical analysis; data visualization; languages; and more.
Students must complete a 200-hour non-credit internship, generally between the first and second years of study. The Human Rights Program and the Humphrey School Office of Career and Student Success will cooperate in assisting students in finding appropriate placements.
Concentrations: pre-designed
Arts and Humanities
This concentration is meant to prepare students in the understanding of the role of artistic, literary, and cultural practices in the promotion of cultures that support and respect human rights. Students will work with their faculty advisor to choose courses appropriate to their particular arts and humanities focus.
Conflict, Security, and Diplomacy
- LAW 6027: Law of the Sea
- LAW 6071: International Law
- LAW 6611: International Criminal Law
- LAW 6708: Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and International Law
- LAW 6887: Law of International Organizations
- LAW 6889: Laws of War
- LAW 6918: Rule of Law
- PA 5801: Global Public Policy
- PA 5813: US Foreign Policy: Issues and Institutions
- PA 5814: Global Diplomacy in a Time of Change
- PA 5823: Human Rights and Humanitarian Crisis: Policy Challenges
- PA 5825: Crisis Management in Foreign Affairs
- PA 5826: National Security Policy
- PA 5890 Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- POL 8401: International Relations
- POL 8402: International Security
- POL 8403: International Norms and Institutions
- SOC 5171: Sociology of International Law: Human Rights and Trafficking
- SOC/GLOS 5315: Never Again! Memory and Politics after Genocide
Crime, Law, and Justice
- LAW 6621: Civil Rights: Citizenship and Human Rights
- LAW 6648: International Criminal Law
- LAW 6718: Immigration and Criminal Law
- LAW 6893: Transitional Justice
- LAW 6918: Rule of Law
- PA 5890 Section 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PHIL 5321: Theories of Justice
- POL 5492: Law and (In)Justice in Latin America
- SOC 5101: Sociology of Law
- SOC 5104: Crime and Human Rights
- SOC 5171: Sociology of International Law: Trafficking, Human Rights, and Business Regulations
- SOC 8111: Criminology
- SOC 8190: Topics in Law, Crime and Deviance – Race, Crime, and Punishment
- SOC 8290: Topics in Race, Class, Gender, and Other Forms of Durable Inequality
- SOC/GLOS 5315: Never Again! Memory and Politics after Genocide
- DSCC 8111: Approaches to Knowledge and Truth: Ways of Knowing in Development Studies
- ESPM 5251: Natural Resources in Sustainable International Development
- GCC 5003: Seeking Solutions to Global Health Issues
- GCC 5005: Global Venture Design: What Impact Will You Make?
- GCC 5017: Grand Challenge: World Food Problems: Agronomics, Economics, and Hunger
- GCC 5041: Transition to a Sustainable World: Can Psychology Help Facilitate Global Sustainability?
- LAW 6879: Poverty and Human Rights
- LAW 6887: Law of International Organizations
- OLPD 5104: Strategies for International Development of Education Systems
- OLPD 5107: Gender, Education, and International Development
- PA 5405: Public Policy Implementation
- PA 5501: Theories and Policies of Development
- PA 5503: Economics of Development
- PA 5521: Development Planning and Policy Analysis
- PA 5561: Gender and International Development
- PA 5601: Global Survey of Gender and Public Policy
- PA 5890 Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PUBH 6134: Sustainable Development and Global Public Health
- ESPM 5202: Environmental Conflict Management, Leadership, and Planning
- ESPM 5242: Methods for Environmental and Natural Resource Policy Analysis
- ESPM 5245: Sustainable Land Use Planning and Policy
- ESPM 5251: Natural Resources in Sustainable International Development
- GCC 5008: Policy and Science of Global Environmental Change
- GCC 5011: Pathways to Renewable Energy
- GCC 5013: Making Sense of Climate Change — Science, Art, and Agency
- GCC 5017: Grand Challenge: World Food Programs: Agronomics, Economics, and Hunger
- GCC 5027: Power Systems Journey: Making the Invisible Visible and Actionable
- GCC 5031: The Global Climate Challenge: Creating an Empowered Movement for Change
- GCC 5032: Ecosystem Health: Leadership at the Intersection of Humans, Animals, and the Environment
- LAW 6062: Energy Law
- LAW 6215: Environmental Law
- LAW 6234: Public Lands and Natural Resources
- LAW 6400: International Environmental Law
- PA 5013: Law and Urban Land Use
- PA 5242: Environmental Planning, Policy and Decision Making
- PA 5243: Environmental Justice in Urban Planning and Policy
- PA 5711: Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy
- PA 5721: Energy and Environmental Policy
- PA 5722: Economics of Environmental Policy
- PA 5723: Water Policy
- PA 5724: Climate Change Policy
- PA 5721: Energy and Environmental Policy
- PA 5890: Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PUBH 6132: Air, Water, and Health
- PUBH 6154: Climate Change and Global Health
Gender and Sexuality
- AMIN 5409: American Indian Women
- AMST 5412: Comparative Indigenous Feminisms
- BTHX 5510: Gender and Politics of Health
- GWSS 5104: Transnational Feminist Theory
- GWSS 5503: Queering Theory
- GWSS 8260: Sec 001 Seminar: Race, Representation, and Resistance
- HSEX 6011: Impacts of Law, Policy, and Government Regulation on Human Sexuality
- LAW 6036: Reproductive Rights
- LAW 6827: Women’s International Human Rights
- LAW 6862: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Human Rights
- OLPD 5107: Gender, Education, and International Development
- PA 5426: Research and Policy with Marginalized Groups
- PA 5561: Gender and International Development
- PA 5601: Global Survey of Gender and Public Policy
- PA 5690: Topics in Women, Gender, and Public Policy – LGBTQ Politics and Policy
- PA 5890 Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PA 5890 Sec 004: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Women's Human Rights in Practice
- PHIL 5622: Philosophy and Feminist Theory
- PUBH 6081: Sex, Sexuality, and Sexual Health
- PUBH 6675: Women’s Health
- SOC 5171: Sociology of International Law: Human Rights and Trafficking
- SOC 5221: Sociology of Gender
- SOC 8290: Topics in Race, Class, Gender, and Other Forms of Durable Inequality
- AFRO 5101 Seminar: Introduction to Africa and the African Diaspora
- CHIC 5374: Migrant Farmworkers in the U.S.: Families, Work, and Advocacy
- LAW 6027: Law of the Sea
- LAW 6621: Rights in Conflict: Citizenship and Human Rights
- LAW 6718: Immigration and Criminal Law
- LAW 6719: Immigration Reforms Through History: An Ongoing Legal Narrative
- LAW 6872: Immigration Law
- PA 5281: Immigrants, Urban Planning and Policymaking in the U.S.
- PA 5301: Population Methods and Issues for the United States and Global South
- PA 5801: Global Public Policy
- PA 5823: Managing Humanitarian and Refugee Crises: Challenges for Policymakers and Practitioners
- PA 5890 Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- SOC 5171: Sociology of International Law: Human Rights and Trafficking
- SOC 8607: Migration and Migrants in Demographic Perspective
NGO Leadership and Management
- LAW 6637: Business and Human Rights
- LAW 6887: Law of International Organizations
- OLPD 5048: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Leadership
- OLPD 5095: Problems: Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development
- OLPD 5607: Organization Development
- OLPD 5611: Facilitation and Meeting Skills
- PA 5051: Leadership Foundations
- PA 5052: Public Affairs Leadership
- PA 5081: Understanding Power and Teamwork in Public Affairs Education
- PA 5101: Management and Governance of Nonprofit Organizations
- PA 5103: Leadership and Change
- PA 5105: Integrative Leadership: Leading Across Sectors to Address Grand Challenges
- PA 5108: Board Leadership Development Practicum
- PA 5114: Budget Analysis in Public and Nonprofit Orgs
- PA 5116: Financing Public and Nonprofit Organizations
- PA 5123: Philanthropy in America: History, Practice, and Trends
- PA 5135: Managing Conflict: Negotiation
- PA 5137: Project Management in the Public Arena
- PA 5145: Civic Participation in Public Affairs
- PA 5251: Strategic Planning and Management
- PA 5311: Program Evaluation
- PA 5405: Public Policy Implementation
- PA 5501: Theories and Policies of Development
- PA 5801: Global Public Policy
- PA 5890: Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PA 5927: Effective Grant Writing for Nonprofit Organizations
Project and Policy Evaluation
- OLPD 5501: Principles and Methods of Evaluation
- OLPD 5502: Comparative Evaluation Theory for Practice
- OLPD 8502: Program Evaluation Theory and Models: Qualitative and Quantitative Alternatives
- PA 5103: Leadership and Change in an Innovation Society
- PA 5105: Integrative Leadership Seminar
- PA 5145: Civic Participation in Public Affairs
- PA 5151: Advanced Evaluation Theory and Theory Crafting
- PA 5251: Strategic Planning and Management
- PA 5311: Program Evaluation
- PA 5405: Public Policy Implementation
- PA 5890: Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PUBH 6034: Evaluation
- PUBH 6852: Program Evaluation in Health and Mental Health Settings
Public Health
- BTHX 5325: Biomedical Ethics
- BTHX 5510: Gender and Politics of Health
- BTHX 5520: Social Justice and Bioethics
- CSPH 5111: Cultural Ways of Thinking About Health
- GCC 5003: Grand Challenge: Seeking Solutions to Global Health Issues
- GCC 5016: Science and Society: Working Together to Avoid Antibiotics Resistance Apocalypse
- GCC 5022: The Human Experience of Sensory Loss: Seeking Equitable and Effective Solutions
- LAW 6879: Poverty and Human Rights
- PA 5890: Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PA 8461: Global and U.S. Perspectives on Health and Mortality
- PUBH 6011: Public Health Approaches to HIV/AIDS
- PUBH 6055: Social Inequalities in Health
- PUBH 6066: Building Communities, Increasing Health
- PUBH 6081: Sex, Sexuality, and Sexual Health
- PUBH 6108: Foundations of Global Health
- PUBH 6131: Working in Global Health
- PUBH 6132: Air, Water, and Health
- PUBH 6134: Global Public Health
- PUBH 6154: Climate Change and Global Health
- PUBH 6182: Emerging Infectious Diseases: Current Issues, Policies, and Controversies
- PUBH 6241: American Indian Public Health and Wellness, Health Policy, Law, Health Services Administration
- PUBH 6242: Cultural Humility with American Indian Populations
- PUBH 6243: American Indian Research, Evaluation, and Collaboration
- PUBH 6320: Fundamentals of Epidemiology
- PUBH 6370: Social Epidemiology
- PUBH 6390: Foundations of Global Health
- PUBH 6613: Children and Youth with Special Needs
- PUBH 6675: Women's Health
- PUBH 6735: Principles of Health Policy
- SOC 8090 Sec 002: Topics in Sociology – Global Health Data Analysis
Race and Ethnicity
- AFRO 5101 Seminar: Intro to Africa and African Diaspora
- AFRO 5866: The Civil Rights and Black Power Movement, 1954–1984
- AFRO 8202 Seminar: Intellectual History of Race
- AMIN 5409: American Indian Women
- AMIN 5890: Problems in American Indian History
- AMIN 8301: Critical Indigenous Theory
- AMST 5412: Comparative Indigenous Feminisms
- GCC 5036: Seeking Connection through Decolonization: The Power of Indigenous Lands and Languages
- GCC 5042: Just Education: The Role of Higher Education in Disrupting Mass Incarceration
- LAW 6084: Equal Protection and Civil Rights Acts
- PA 5002: Introduction to Policy Analysis
- PA 5311: Program Evaluation
- PA 5422: Diversity and Public Policy
- PA 5421: Racial Inequality and Public Policy
- PA 5426: Research and Policy with Marginalized Groups
- PA 5480: Topics in Race, Ethnicity, and Public Policy
- PA 5490 Sec 001: Topics in Social Policy – Reparations: Policy, History, and Theory
- PA 5890 Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – The Civil Rights and Black Power Movement 1954–1984
- PA 5890 Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PA 8302: Applied Policy Analysis
- PA 8312: Analysis of Discrimination
- PSY 8210: Law, Race, and Social Psychology
- PUBH 6241: American Indian Public Health and Wellness
- PUBH 6242: Cultural Humility with American Indian Populations
- PUBH 6243: American Indian Research, Evaluation, and Collaborations
- SOC 8290 Sec 001: Topics in Race, Class, Gender, and Other Forms of Durable Inequality
Research Methods
- ANTH 8002 Sec 001: Ethnography: Contemporary Theory and Practice
- LAW 6867: Practice Reading International Legal Research
- OLPD 5056: Case Studies for Policy Research
- OLPD 5061: Ethnographic Research Methods
- PA 5031: Statistics for Public Affairs
- PA 5032: Regression Analysis
- PA 5033: Multivariate Techniques
- PA 5041: Qualitative Methods for Policy Analysts
- PA 5044: Regression Analysis Accelerated
- PA 5301: Population Methods Issues for the United States and Global South
- PA 5426: Research and Policy with Marginalized Groups
- PA 5890 Sec 001: Topics in Foreign Policy and International Affairs – Fact-finding Investigations on Human Rights
- PA 5929: Data Visualization: Telling Stories with Numbers
- PA 5932: Working with Data: Finding, Managing, and Using Data
- PA 5933: Survey Methods: Designing Effective Questionnaires
- PUBH 6243: American Indian Research, Evaluation, and Collaborations
- PUBH 6803: Conducting a Systematic Literature Review
- PUBH 6810: Survey Research Methods
- PUBH 6815: Community-based Participatory Research
- PUBH 6845: Using Demographic Data for Policy Analysis
- PUBH 7250: Designing and Conducting Focus Group Interviews
- SOC 5811: Social Statistics for Graduate Students
- SOC 8412: Social Network Analysis: Theory and Methods
- SOC 8801: Sociological Research Methods
- SOC 8811: Advanced Social Statistics
- SOC 8852: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods: Ethnographic Practicum
- STAT 5021: Statistical Analysis
- STAT 5201: Sampling Methodology in Finite Populations
- STAT 5401: Applied Multivariate Methods
Concentrations: self-designed
Students can deepen their professional interests by creating an interdisciplinary concentration that combines courses from two or more existing concentrations as well as courses from various departments across the University. Students provide a cohesive rationale for the several themes that tie coursework together into a coherent primary concentration.
Students pursuing this concentration should consult with their advisors and review the self-designed concentration form to understand the rationale and approval that is required for this concentration. The form also includes tips for choosing courses in a self-designed concentration.
Courses are chosen in consultation with advisors and other experts in the fields of interest students are pursuing. Students are encouraged to investigate the many research centers at the Humphrey School and throughout the University to find a match for professional interests.