The work of the fiscal research team includes examining infrastructure finance, capital budgeting practices, and infrastructure impacts. Most of the analysis is developed for the U.S. context, but there is some research in the international context.
Infrastructure Finance
IURIF examines how state and local governments generate and allocate revenue to support their infrastructure. Research in this area encompasses the study of current and potential taxes, user fees, innovative financial arrangements, and public private partnerships.
In addition, as part of the multiple-year Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness (TPEC) program, IURIF annually compiles and updates the Minnesota Transportation Finance (MNTF) Database. TPEC is funded by the 2013 State Legislature. The longitudinal and spatially integrated database for Minnesota transportation finance is a solid foundation for understanding transportation finance issues, informing decision making, enhancing public engagement, and facilitating transportation studies.
Congestion Pricing
Public Private Partnerships (PPP)
- Advancing Public Interest in PPP of State Highway Development
- PPP in Transportation Task Force
- Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Transportation – Task Force Recommendations, Dec. 2011
- Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Transportation – Technical Report, March 2012
- Public-Private Partnership Transformation and Worker Satisfaction: A Case Study of Sanitation Workers in H-City, China
- The Rise of Public-Private Partnerships in China
Transportation Funding
- Local Contributions to State and Regional Transportation Facilities in Minnesota
- Minnesota Transportation Funding: How are federal, state dollars redistributed? (2018 report)
- Transit Expenses in Urbanised Areas
- Transportation Funding in Minnesota: Past, Present, and Prospects
- Minnesota Transportation Funding Redistribution (2015-2020): Who Contributes More and Who Receives More?
Other Resources
- Innovative Financial Arrangements for Stormwater Finance
- Financing Transportation Through the Capture of Land Value Gains: The Value Capture Strategies of TIF, SAD, and Joint Development
- Funding Urban Infrastructure Development, China Style
- Minnesota Value Pricing Outreach and Education
- Value Increase and Value Capture: TH 610 Case Study
Capital Budgeting Practices
IURIF examines how state and local governments plan for capital investments under increasing constraints.
Capital Budgeting in Minnesota Transportation
- The Impact of Deferred Maintenance in Minnesota
- Performance Indicators in Transit Fund Allocation
- Advancing Equity in Capital Investment Decision-Making
Capital Budgeting in the U.S.
Infrastructure Impacts
The fiscal analysis team examines and assesses impacts of infrastructure investments made by states and localities. Infrastructure investments have a social and economic impact that are studied through quantitative and qualitative methods.
Economic development
- Assessing the Economic Effects of Context Sensitive Main Street Highways in Small Cities
- Benefit and Cost Analysis of the I-394 MnPASS Program Industry Clusters
- Best Types of Commodity Flow Data for Freight, Railroad, Ports and Waterways Studies
- Economic Benefits of Transportation Service Coordination in Minnesota
- Manufacturers’ Perspectives on Minnesota’s Transportation System
- Quantifying Socioeconomic Benefits of Complete Streets
- St. Paul Alley Plowing Study [2019 Report]
- Transportation Demand Management Recommendations for Minnesota Municipalities and Employers
- Transportation Investment and Economic Development in Minnesota Counties
- Transportation Investment and Job Creation in Minnesota Counties
- Enhancing Managed Lane Equity Analysis
- Mitigating community harms of dense highway
infrastructure "spaghetti junctions"
Industry clusters
- Applying Industry Clusters to Intelligent Transportation Systems: A New Framework for Analysis
- Industry Clusters: An Economic Development Strategy for Minnesota
- Knowledge Clusters and Entrepreneurship as Keys to Regional Economic Development
- Northeast Minnesota Industry Cluster Study
- Rural Knowledge Clusters: Exploring the Role of Institutions in Northwest Minnesota's Recreational Vehicle Industry
- Rural Knowledge Clusters, Implications for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
- Rural Knowledge Clusters: Innovation and Vitality in America's Rural Communities
- Southeastern and South Central Minnesota Industry Cluster Study
Social Infrastructure
IURIF's Social Infrastructure research area focuses on understanding and enhancing the foundational elements that support societal well-being. Through innovative studies and multidisciplinary approaches, the research team at IURIF delves into various aspects of social infrastructure, including social security, public retirement systems, water and wastewater treatment, localities and Native nations' financial system assessments, education, healthcare, housing, and community development. By identifying challenges and opportunities in these critical areas, IURIF aims to understand current challenges and propose sustainable solutions that promote inclusivity, equity, and resilience. The research conducted in this domain plays a pivotal role in shaping policies and practices that strengthen our society.
Disability Benefits
Tribal Finance
- Tribal Finance Pilot Program