Technology Services

The following technology services are made available to you by the Humphrey School in partnership with the University of Minnesota’s Office of Information Technology.

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Technology Help Service Desk

The University’s Technology Help service desk is open 24/7 and available via chat, email, and phone to help answer any questions you may have.

If you need in-person IT support, stop by the IT Twin Cities Walk-in Locations. (In Spring 2022, the nearest walk-in location is in Coffman Memorial Union; the Blegen location is closed indefinitely). They will be able to help you with requests such as setting up your email on your phone or troubleshooting laptop issues.

High-speed internet access

Students learning off campus may benefit from a high-speed internet plan to ensure their remote experience is successful. Some internet service providers are offering free or discounted services for people who qualify. Contact the service providers who serve your area to learn more about those opportunities. Some might consider the accessible public buildings and private businesses in their area that provide free internet access. When utilizing their internet, we suggest using UMN VPN for a safe and secure experience.

Computing device access

Any of the following WiFi-enabled, operating system–based devices are supported for online learning. Ensure that you have access to one that works well for you.

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • iPhone, iPad, iOS
  • ChromeOS, Chromebooks
  • Android
  • Linux

Meeting Virtually with Zoom

Be prepared to hold meetings, meet with study groups, and attend class online. Get started now.


Take Zoom training: 


Apps To Go is the University of Minnesota’s centrally supported desktop virtualization platform which allows you to run Humphrey course-related desktop applications without having to purchase and install them on your computer.  Our AppsToGo Self Help Guide will help you get connected.

Student Learning Spaces

The Humphrey School manages four student learning spaces, which include lab devices, printers, and bring-your-own device stations. These spaces are located in Humphrey 40, 80, 85, and 290.

Access to Student Learning Spaces
The Humphrey School's student learning spaces are unlocked during weekday business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) during fall and spring semester. Keycard access can be requested for entry outside of these hours or during break. This access must be manually set up by presenting your UCard to the front desk staff in room 130.

Humphrey 40 — Study Space
HHH 40 is a space for quiet, individual study. It includes individual seating and desks as well as several private bring-your-own-device workstations, which are to be prioritized for informal instruction and teaching assistants. This space also includes 

  • 11 desktop computers w/ 23” displays and academic software titles
  • 6 bring-your-own-device workstations with large displays
  • A laser-printer with wired, wifi, and printing allowance access
  • 3 reservable private meeting rooms and 3 private cubes

You can schedule the bring-your-own-device workstations via Google Calendar. These workstations include rooms 44, 45, and 46 and cubicles 40A, 40B, and 40C.

Humphrey 80 — Active Learning Lab
HHH 80 is a flexible learning lab for formal instruction, group work,  and individual study. It includes

  • 20 tables, seating up to 28 students and 1 instructor
  • A Zoom Room interface with four 75" displays and one 23" confidence monitor
  • Bring-Your-Own-Device Mode so that students can use the displays for group work
  • Two wall-mounted whiteboards and one mobile whiteboard
  • A laser-printer with wired, wifi, and printing allowance access

Humphrey 85 — Computer Lab
HHH 85 is a computer lab for individual study and formal instruction. It includes

  • 36 desktop computers with 23” displays and academic software titles
  • An instructor’s podium, projector, projector screen, and two large wall-mounted displays
  • A laser-printer with wired, wifi, and printing allowance access

All Humphrey students are able to access HHH 85’s desktop computers and its software remotely. See the Humphrey AppsToGo Self Help Guide.

Please be advised that room 85 is reserved for regularly-scheduled classes and is not available for general use during class time. See the schedule posted outside of room 85's entrance.

Humphrey 290 — The MURP Lab
Only MURP students are able to access HHH 290, which is a small computer lab and study space. This room includes

  • 4 desktop computers with 23” displays and MURP-specific academic software
  • 2 laser printers and 1 wide-format printer
  • 2 attached private meeting rooms

The MURP Lab's (room 290) computers and printer are reserved for use by MURP students.

Print in the Computer Labs

Humphrey School students are provided with a printing allowance for each semester. Your printing allowance can be used on printers in Humphrey rooms 40, 80, and 85, as well as in University computer labs. Additionally, MURP students can use their allowance on printers in Humphrey room 290.

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Printing allowance amounts

The printing allowance is equal to one-fifth of the collegiate fee paid by the student (which varies depending on the number of credits being taken).

Print Allowance Amount

Semester and credit load Printing allowance provided to student
Fall/Spring—6 or more credits $50
Fall/Spring—less than 6 credits $25
Summer—3 or more credits $10
Summer—less than 3 credits $7.50

Any allowance remaining at the end of Fall and Spring semesters is carried forward through the end of Summer session. Balances are cleared at the beginning of Fall semester each year.

Instructors and TAs are allocated an additional $50 allowance to support their classroom duties.

After a student has used up their allowance for the semester, they will be asked to pay for subsequent printing using Gopher GOLD funds.

Per-sheet printing charges

Duplex printing is included at no additional charge.

Printing Costs

Printing type Per-sheet price Locations
Black and white (8.5”x11”) 10 cents All HHH labs (40, 50, 80, 85, MURP 290)
Black and white (11”x17”) 20 cents HHH 40, MURP 290
Color (8.5”x11”) 25 cents HHH 40, MURP lab 290
Color (11”x17”) 50 cents HHH 40, MURP 290
Large-format/poster ( 36"x24" or 36"x48") $6.50 HHH 40

Printing instructions

How to print

  1. If you are using a personal device, you will be asked to enter your internet ID.
  2. Go to the printing station in any of the HHH labs.
  3. Swipe your UCard with the barcode facing out. You will hear a beep when the swipe is successful—if it doesn't work at first, try swiping more slowly.
  4. Select your print job and click "Print."
  5. Your print job will print.

Please note: once you print to the printer, you have 45 minutes to retrieve your print job from the printing station. After this time has elapsed, the print job will be automatically deleted.

Print from a personal computer

Students may print to the lab printers from their personal Windows and
Mac OS X laptops. This requires you to download and install a small utility
program first. Note: when using a non-UMN IP address, you will need to be connected to VPN to access the links below.



Once the software is installed, follow the printing instructions above. If you do not wish to download and install from the links provided can upload documents, at

Print 11x17 Documents

Students can print 11x17 documents using the printer in Humphrey Rm 40. If you select 11x17 for the paper size when printing, the printer will send the document to the appropriate document tray automatically. 

If you need to print using your laptop, please download and install the appropriate printer application:

Use the Large-Format Printer

The large format printer is located in Humphrey Rm 40. Users are able to print with this device using the desktops closest to the large format printer. This printer should be used only for large formats, which are documents greater than 11”x17” including posters, maps, blueprints, and banners. Common formats include 36”x48” or 24”x36” posters; however, you can print at dimensions less than 36”.

For printing instructions, see Guide: Using the Large Format Printer.

Use Network Storage Drives

The local drives (e.g. the C: Drive) of shared devices, such as computers in lab or study spaces, are overwritten on a regular basis. Never store documents and data on these devices.

Instead, we recommend that you store your documents on a network drive, Google Drive, or using the University’s Box Secure Storage platform. There are up to six network drives available at the Humphrey School. Students will have access to two or more of the network drives, depending on their role. You can connect to the University network (locally via wi-fi or ethernet or remotely via VPN) and map your network drives using the directions below.

Note: If you are connecting from outside the University, you will first need to install and use virtual private networking (VPN) before connecting to the network drives.

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Network storage drive locations

Drive Letters and Connection Paths

Drive name Windows network location Mac network location
Home (H:) \\\UMN\HHH\Administrative\hhh_administrative\Home smb://
Open Home (O:) \\\UMN\HHH\Administrative\hhh_administrative\Open Home smb:// Home
Courses (T:) \\\UMN\HHH\Administrative\hhh_administrative\Courses smb://
Areas (G:) \\\UMN\HHH\Administrative\hhh_administrative\Areas smb://
Administration (S:) \\\UMN\HHH\Administrative\hhh_administrative\Administration smb://
Projects (P:) \\\UMN\HHH\Administrative\hhh_administrative\Projects smb://

Connecting to the network drives

On Windows 7

  1. Open the Start Menu in the bottom left corner
  2. Right click on Computer > Map Network Drive
  3. Enter the network location (see above) that corresponds to the drive you want to map
  4. When prompted for your credentials, log in with your University ID and password. Be sure to add\ before your University ID, e.g.,\john0001

On Windows 8 or above

  1. Open File Explorer and click on "This PC"
  2. Click on the "Computer" tab, then on the icon for "Map Network Drive"
  3. Enter the network location (see above) that corresponds to the drive you want to map
  4. When prompted for your credentials, log in with your University ID and password. Be sure to add\ before your University ID, e.g.,\john0001

On a Mac

  1. In the Finder, click on Go > Connect to Server
  2. Enter the network location (see above) that corresponds to the drive you want to map
  3. When prompted for your credentials, log in with your University ID and password.
  4. Be sure to add\ before your University ID, e.g.,\john0001

If you encounter any problems, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Find Study Space

Humphrey 40 — Workstations
Any student can schedule the bring-your-own-device workstations in HHH 40 via Google Calendar. To reserve these workstations, you can create an event in Google Calendar and add the desired room to your event (e.g. HHHCtr-G-44 HHH Stu Study Room). You can also reserve a workstation by visiting it and using the mounted Joan6 scheduling device outside the room. 

These workstations include 

  • Humphrey 44 (HHHCtr-G-44 HHH Stu Study Room)
  • Humphrey 45 (HHHCtr-G-45 HHH Stu Study Room)
  • Humphrey 46 (HHHCtr-G-46 HHH Stu Study Room)
  • Humphrey 40A Cubicle (HHHCtr-G-40A HHH Stu Study Space)
  • Humphrey 40B Cubicle (HHHCtr-G-40B HHH Stu Study Space)
  • Humphrey 40C Cubicle (HHHCtr-G-40C HHH Stu Study Space)

You can check the availability of these spaces in the HHH Room 40 Workstation calendar.

Conference Rooms (Humphrey 131, 173, 175, 274, and 300)
The Humphrey School provides access to five conference rooms: Humphrey 131, 173, 175, 274, and 300. Each conference room is equipped with a 60” display. To reserve a space, add a conference room to your Google Calendar event. When available, the conference rooms can also be used as study areas. Room capacities are listed in Google Calendar when making a reservation.

Humphrey 10 — Jernberg Lounge
The Jernberg Lounge is available to Humphrey School students for lounge, meeting and study space. Card access is required.

University Study Spaces
Humphrey 50 is a University-managed room that offers study space, conference rooms, and computers for use by all University of Minnesota students. Printing is available to all who use this lab; however, please note that the computers in this lab do not currently include the Humphrey School–specific software listed above.

If you’re looking for places to study before, between, or after class, use the Office of Classroom Management’s Study Space Finder. Space information is up to date based on COVID-19 guidelines.

Reserve Equipment

The following is a list of equipment available to check out from the Humphrey School's front desk in room 130. This service is provided to all Humphrey School–affiliated students, faculty, and staff. Most equipment can be reserved through Google Calendar, by choosing it as a 'meeting room' when creating an appointment. This document has step-by-step instructions. Enter "HHH-" into the room search for a list of equipment available during your meeting time.

Equipment that is not available through Google Calendar can be reserved by emailing the front desk, or stopping by during business hours. 

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Available equipment


Item Number Available
Laptop computers/Newer Dells 6
Conference phone 1
Digital voice recorder 3
Display adapter for Macs and laptops 6
DVD drive 1
Flip video camera 3
Foot pedal for transcription (download instructions below) 2
Presenter / laser pointer 5
Voice amplifier 4
Tripod 7

Using a foot pedal for transcription

Humphrey School students may check out a foot pedal. Instead of manipulating the audio playback of an audio source with your hands, a foot pedal is a physical device that lets you do so with your feet. This allows you to type more efficiently.

You will need to install a small software application in order to use a foot pedal for transcription. These instructions are for using a free Windows application called Express Scribe from NCH Software.

  1. Download and install the software from
  2. Plug in the foot pedal. Windows will automatically install the driver, and then Express Scribe will detect the pedal.
  3. If the pedal is not automatically detected, open the Express Scribe software and click on Options -> Controller...
  4. Click on Controller Setup Wizard and follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. The pedal should now be ready for use. Press down the middle button to start audio playback. The audio automatically pauses once you release the button. Use the left and right buttons to rewind and fast forward through the audio.