Publications and Presentations: Roy Wilkins Center

Publications and presentations highlighting research and analysis by the Roy Wilkins Center. 

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Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Inhyuck Ha, 2018. Race Neutrality: Rationalizing Remedies to Racial InequalityLanham, Lexington Books.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Bruce P. Corrie. 2006. Racial and Ethnic Economic Inequality: An International Perspective. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. Find this book on Amazon 

Darnell F. Hawkins, Samuel L. Myers, Jr., and Randolph N. Stone. June 2003. Crime Control and Social Justice: The Delicate Balance. Westport CT: Greenwood Press.

Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner and Samuel L. Myers Jr. 2000. Faculty of Color in Academe: Bittersweet Success. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon Publishers.

William A. Darity Jr. and Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1998. Persistent Disparity: Race and Economic Inequality in the U.S. Since 1945. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Samuel L. Myers Jr., editor. 1997. Civil Rights and Race Relations in the Post Reagan Bush Era. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

William A. Darity Jr. and Samuel L. Myers Jr. with Emmett D. Carson and William Sabol. 1994. The Black Underclass: Critical Essays on Race and Unwantedness. New York: Garland Publishing.

Book chapters and monographs

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 2011. The Economics of Diversity: The Efficiency vs. Equity Trade-Off. In S. Chen, Diversity Management: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches (pp. 55-70). New York: Nova Science.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 2004. Chapter 3: Equity and Social Insurance. In Strengthening Community: Social Insurance in a Diverse America. Kathleen Buto, Martha Priddy Patterson, William E. Spriggs and Maya Rockeymoore, Editors. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press, National Academy of Social Insurance. Pp. 40-50.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. June 2003. Introduction. In Crime Control and Social Justice: The Delicate Balance. Darnell F. Hawkins, Samuel L. Myers, Jr., and Randolph N. Stone, Editors. Westport CT: Greenwood Press. Pp. ix-xvi.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 2003. Chapter 5: If Not Reconciliation, Then What? Race and the 'Stolen Generation' in Australia. In Boundaries of Clan and Colour: Transnational Comparisons of Inter-group Disparity, Advances in Social Economics Series. William A. Darity, Jr., and Ashwini Desphande, Editors. New York: Routledge. Pp. 70-92.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Caroline S. Turner. 2001. Affirmative Action Retrenchment and Labor Market Outcomes for African-American Faculty. In The Quest for Equity in Higher Education: Toward New Paradigms in an Evolving Affirmative Action Era. Beverly Lindsay and Manuel J. Justiz, Editors. Albany: State University of New York Press. Pp. 63-98.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and William A. Darity, Jr. 2001. Racial Economic Inequality in the USA. In The Blackwell Companion to Sociology. Judith R. Blau, Editor. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Pp. 178-195.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and William A. Darity, Jr. 2000. Languishing in Inequality: Racial Disparities in Wealth and Earnings in the New Millennium. In New Directions: African Americans in a Diversifying Nation, National Policy Association Report #297. James S. Jackson, Editor. Washington, D.C.: National Policy Association and Program for Research on Black Americans, University of Michigan. Pp. 86-118.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and William A. Darity, Jr. The Impact of Labor Market Prospects on Incarceration Rates. 2000. In . Chapter 9. Robert Cherry and William M. Rodgers III, Editors. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Pp 279-307.

Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1999. Set-Asides, Minority Business. In The Encyclopedia of African American Business History. Juliet E.K. Walker, Editor. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. Pp. 480-482.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1998. Improved Employment Reduces Crime: Evidence from the African American Experience and Implications for Australia. In Sentencing and Indigenous Peoples. Rick Sarre and Digby Wilson, Editors. Australian Institute of Criminology Research, Public Policy Series, No. 16.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1998. The Rich get Richer and . . . The Problem of Race and Inequality in the 1990s. In The Angelo State University Symposium on American Values. Kenneth L. Stewart, Editor. Angelo State University.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and William Spriggs. 1997. Black Employment, Criminal Activity and Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of New Jersey. In Race, Markets and Social Outcomes. Patrick L. Mason and Rhonda Williams, Editors. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Pp. 31-64.

Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1997. Faculty Diversity and Affirmative Action. In Affirmative Action's Testament of Hope: Strategies for a New Era. Mildred Garcia, Editor. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Pp. 131-148.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. The Error of the Third Type. 1997. In Double Exposure: Poverty and Race in America. Edited by Chester Hartman. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. Pp. 77-80.

William A. Darity Jr. and Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1995. Family Structure and the Marginalization of Black Men: Policy Implications. In The Decline in Marriage Among African-Americans. M. Belinda Tucker and Claudia Mitchell-Kernan, Editors. New York: Russell Sage/UCLA Press. Pp. 263-309.

Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1993. Measuring and Detecting Discrimination in the Post-Civil Rights Era. In Race and Ethnicity in Research Methods, volume 157. John H. Stanfield II and Rutledge M. Dennis, Editors. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Focus Editions.

Samuel L. Myers Jr. Widening Racial Inequalities, Testimony before the Subcommittee on Human Resources, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, 103rd Congress, First Session 103-42, October 26, 1993.

William A. Darity Jr. and Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1992. Racial Earnings Inequality in the 21st Century. in State of Black America. Billy Tildwell, Editor. New York: National Urban League/Transactions Press.

Samuel L. Myers Jr. Marginalization of Black Males. Hearings on the African American Male, Banking Committee, U.S. Senate, April 6, 1991. Abridged and reprinted in 1993 -article The Journal of African American Male Studies 1(1).

Journal articles

Myers, Jr., S. L. (2017). The Production of Black PhDs in Economics at Harvard University, 1905-1955. The Review of Black Political Economy 44(1): 167-201. (Associated data coming soon.)

Myers, Jr., S. L., Cuesta, A. and Lai, Yufeng. (2017). Competitive Swimming and Racial Disparities in Drowning. The Review of Black Political Economy 44(1): 77-97. (Associated data coming soon.)  

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Fealing, K. H. (2012). Changes in the Representation of Women and Minorities in Biomedical Careers. Academic Medicine, 87(11), 1525-1529. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31826d7189

Myers, Jr., S. L., Davila, R. L., & Ha, I. (2012). Affirmative action retrenchment in public procurement and contracting. Applied Economics Letters, 19(8), 1857-1860. (University login needed)

Myers, Jr., S. L., Ards, S., Ray, P. T., Kim, H.-E., Monroe, K., & Arteaga, I. (2012). Racialized Perceptions and Child Neglect. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(8), 1480-1491. DOI:10.1016/j.childyouth.2012.03.018

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Ha, I. (2009). Estimation of Race Neutral Goals in Public Procurement and Contracting. Applied Economics Letters, 16(3), 251-256. (University login needed)

Myers, Jr., S. L., Mason, P. L., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (2005). Is There Racism in Economic Research? European Journal of Political Economy, 21(3), 755-761. DOI:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2004.09.005

Myers, Jr., S. L., Kim, H., & Mandala, C. (2004). The Effect of School Poverty on Racial Gaps in Test Scores: The Case of the Minnesota Basic Standards Tests. Journal of Negro Education, 73(1), 81-98.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Turner, C. S. (2004). The Effects of Ph.D. Supply on Minority Faculty Representation. The American Economic Review Proceedings, 94(2), 296-301.

Myers, Jr., S. L., Lange, L. T., & Corrie, B. (2003). The Political Economy of Anti-Racism Initiatives in the Post-Durban Round. The American Economic Review Proceedings, 93(2), 330-333. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L., Ards, S. D., Chung, C., Malkis, A., & Hagerty, B. (2003). Decomposing Black-White Differences in Child Maltreatment. Child Maltreatment, 8(2), 112-121. DOI: 10.1177/1077559502250817

Myers, Jr., S. L., Ards, S. D., Malkis, A., Sugrue, E., & Zhou, L. (2003). Racial Disproportionality in Reported and Substantiated Child Abuse and Neglect: An Examination of Systematic Bias. Children and Youth Services Review, Special Issue: The Overrepresentation of Children of Color in the Child Welfare System, 25(5-6), 375-392. DOI: 10.1177/1077559502250817

Myers, Jr., S. L. (2002). Government-Sponsored Enterprise Secondary Market Decisions: Effects on Racial Disparities in Home Mortgage Loan Rejection Rates. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 6(1), 85-113. 

Myers, Jr., S. L. (2002). Analysis of Race as Policy Analysis. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 21(2), 169-190; 287-300.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Ards, S. D. (2001). The Color of Money: Bad Credit, Wealth, and Race. American Behavioral Scientist, 45(2), 223-239.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (2001). Why Did Black Relative Earnings Surge in the Early 1990s? Journal of Economic Issues, 35(2), 533-542.

Myers, Jr., S. L., Chung, C., & Saunders, L. (2001). Racial Differences in Transportation Access to Employment in Chicago and Los Angeles, 1980 and 1990. The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 91(2), 174-177. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Fitch, C. A. (2000). Testing the Survivalist Entrepreneurship Model. Social Science Quarterly, 81(4), 985-991.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (2000). If Not Reconciliation, Then What? Review of Social Economy, 58(3), 361-380. (University login needed)

 Myers, Jr., S. L., & Chung, C. (1999). Do the Poor Pay More for Food? An Analysis of Grocery Store Availability and Food Price Disparities. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 33(2), 276-296.

Myers, Jr., S. L., Viernes Turner, C. S., & Creswell, J. W. (1999). Exploring Underrepresentation: The Case of Faculty of Color in the Midwest. The Journal of Higher Education, 70(1), 27-29. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L., Darity, Jr., W. A., & Chung, C. (1998). Racial Earnings Disparities and Family Structure. Southern Economic Journal, 65(1), 20-41. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L., Gibson, K. J., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (1998). Revisiting Occupational Crowding in the United States: A Preliminary Study. Feminist Economics, 4(3), 73-95.

Myers, Jr., S. L., Ards, S. D., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (1998). If It Shall Seem Just and Proper': The Effect of Race and Morals on Alimony and Child Support Appeals in the District of Columbia, 1950-1980. Journal of Family History, 23(4), 441-475. DOI: 10.1177/036319909802300406

Myers, Jr., S. L., Ards, S. D., & Chung, C. (1998). The Effects of Sample Selection on Racial Differences in Child Abuse Reporting. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 22(2), 102-126.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Chung, C. (1998). Criminal Perceptions and Violent Criminal Victimization. Contemporary Economic Policy, 16(3), 321-333.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Saunders, L. (1996). The Effect of Commute Time on Racial Earnings' Inequality: A Case Study of the Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area. Applied Economics, 28(10), 1339-1343.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Chung, C. (1996). Racial Differences in Home Ownership and Home Equity Among Pre-Retirement-Aged Households. The Gerontologist, 36(3), 350-360.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Chan, T. (1996). Who Benefits From Minority-Business Set-Asides? The Case of New Jersey. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 15(2), 202-225.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Chan, T. (1995). Racial Discrimination in Housing Markets: Accounting for Credit Risk. Social Science Quarterly, 76(3), 543-561.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1993). Racial Disparities in Sentencing: Can Sentencing Reforms Reduce Discrimination in Punishment? University of Colorado Law Review, 64(3), 781-808.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1993). The Rich Get Richer and...'The Problem of Race and Inequality in the 1990s. Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice, 11(2), 369-389.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1989). NEA Presidential Address: Political Economy, Race and Morals. The Review of Black Political Economy, 18(1), 5-15.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Sabol, W. J. (1987). Unemployment and Racial Differences in Imprisonment. The Review of Black Political Economy, 6(1-2), 189-209.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Sabol, W. J. (1987). Business Cycles and Racial Disparities in Punishment. Contemporary Policy Issues, 5, 46-58.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (1987). Do Transfer Payments Keep the Poor in Poverty? American Economic Review Proceedings, 77(2). (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (1986/1987). Public Policy Trends and the Fate of the Black Family. Humboldt Journal of Social Sciences, 14(1-2), 134-164.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1986). Methods of Measuring and Detecting Discrimination in Punishment. American Statistical Association Proceedings, 41-50.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1985). Statistical Tests of Discrimination in Punishment. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1(2), 191-218.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Darity, Jr. , W. A. (1984). Public Policy and the Condition of Black Family Life. The Review of Black Political Economy, 13(1-2), 165-187.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (1984). Does Welfare Dependency Cause Female Headship? The Case of the Black Family. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46(4), 765-779.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1984). Race and Punishment: Directions for Economic Research. American Economic Review Proceedings, 74(2), 288-292. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1984). Do Better Wages Reduce Crime. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 43(2), 191-196.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Darity, Jr., W. A. (1983). Changes in Black Family Structure: Implications for Welfare Dependency. American Economic Review Proceedings, 73(2), 59-64. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1983). Estimating the Economic Model of Crime: Employment vs. Punishment Effects. Quarterly Journal of Economics , XCVIII(1), 157-166. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1982). Crime in Urban Areas: New Evidence and Results. Journal of Urban Economics, 11, 148-158. 

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1981). The Economics of Bail Jumping. Journal of Legal Studies, 10(2), 381-396.

Myers, Jr., S. L., Rouse, V. W., & Baldwin, E. C. (1980). Federally Subsidized Programs for Fighting Crime in Minority Communities. The Review of Black Political Economy, 11(1), 133-149.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1980). The Rehabilitation Effect of Punishment. Economic Inquiry, 18, 353-366.

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1980). Black-White Differentials in Crime Rates. The Review of Black Political Economy, 10(2), 133-152.

Myers, Jr., S. L., & Phillips, K. E. (1979). Housing Segregation and Black Employment: Another Look at the Ghetto Dispersal Strategy. American Economic Review Proceedings, 69(2), 298-302. (Academic login required)

Myers, Jr., S. L. (1978). The Economics of Crime in the Urban Ghetto. The Review of Black Political Economy, 9(1), 43-59.

Research notes, book reviews, and commentaries

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 2003. Why are Children of Color Overrepresented in Reports to Protective Services? APSAC Advisor 15(2)(Spring): 10-11. f

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 2002. The Economic Implications of WCAR. Poverty and Race 11(1)(January/February): 3-5.

Chanjin Chung, Sheila D. Ards and Samuel L. Myers Jr. 2001. Sample Selection Bias and Racial Differences in Child Abuse Reporting: Once Again. Letter to the Editor. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 25(1)(January): 7-12. (pdf)

Chanjin Chung, Sheila D. Ards and Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1999. Letter to the Editor. Response to Thomas Morton. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 23(2)(December): 1211-1215. (pdf)

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1998. Hoberman's Fantasy: How Neoconservative Writing on Sport Reinforces Perceptions of Black Inferiority and Preserves the Myth of Race. A review of Darwin's Athletes: How Sport Has Damaged Black America and Preserved the Myth of RaceSocial Science Quarterly 79(4)(December): 879-884.

Samuel L. Myers Jr., Special section editor and editorial commentary. 1997. In the Case of Race Relations, Minnesota Nice Translates into Silence. Color/s 6(3):14-15.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1997. Myers: Study is 'objective analysis. Jola Education Monthly 33(June).

Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1997. On Class and the New Racism. The VoterLeague of Women Voters of Minneapolis 55(6)(February).

Samuel L. Myers Jr. 1997. Poverty Not a Major Factor in 8th Grade Test Scores. Minnesota Journal 14(4)(April 22):1, 7.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1997. Why Diversity is a Smokescreen for Affirmative Action. Change 29(4)(July/August): 25-32.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1997. Widening Racial Economic Disparities: A Problem of Minnesota Nice. It's So Facto, a publication of the Minnesota Urban League. Spring.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1995. Affirmative Action in Higher Education. Emerge 6(9)(July/August).

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. Do Scholars and Intellectuals Know How to Solve Problems of Racial Minorities? Saint Paul Insight News. October 17, 1995.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. Empowerment Efforts Need to Focus on Wealth Inequalities. Insight News. July 17, 1995.

Erling Eide and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1995. Review of Economics of Crime: Deterrence and the Rational OffenderJournal of Economic Literature (XXXIII)(4)(December):2008-2010. (Academic login required)

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1995. The Black Underclass. Black Excellence (May/June).

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. 1994. Are Blacks Dumber than Whites? Black Excellence (November/ December).

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. Dumbbells and Bell Curves. Baltimore Evening SunNovember 21, 1994. Reprinted as Bell Curve Answers Wrong Question. The Fresno Bee. November 27, 1994 and as Dumbbells, Bell Curves and Exceptions to the Rule. Arizona Republic. November 28, 1994.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. Jobs Fight Crime Better Than JailsInsight on the News, August 8, 1994.

Samuel L. Myers, Jr. Racial Prejudice is Behind 'Family Values.' Minneapolis Star Tribune, October 7, 1994.

Technical reports

"Final Report: New Jersey Transit Disparity Study." 2016.

"Pathways v. Pipelines to Broadening Participation in the STEM Workforce." 2015. 

“Methodology for Computing Proposed FHWA DBE Goals Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) FY2013-2015”. 2012. Report Submitted to Minnesota Department of Transportation.

"Recommendations for Establishing a 3-Year FTA DBE Goal for New Jersey Transit FY2017–2019." Report submitted to New Jersey Transit.  

“Final Recommendations for Establishing New Jersey Transit Agency FY2011-2013 DBE Goals." 2010. Report submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Final Recommendation for Establishing New Jersey Transit's FY 2010 DBE Goals." 2009. Report submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Final Report: The Deterrent Effects of Media Accounts and HUD Enforcement on Racial Disparities in Loan Denial Rate", Samuel L. Myers, Jr. October, 2007. The research discussed in this paper was supported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Able research assistance was provided by Stephannie Lewis, Andrew Tehmeh, and Bosu Seo.

"Final Recommendations for Establishing New Jersey Transit’s FY09 DBE Goals." 2008. Report submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Final Recommendations for Establishing New Jersey Transit’s FY08 DBE Goals." 2007. Report submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Evaluation of the City of Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights Contract Compliance Unit May 2007." Report submitted to City of Minneapolis

"Recommendation for Establishing New Jersey Transit's FY07 DBE Goals." September 2006. Submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Final Report: Disparity Study for Essex County, New Jersey. Submitted to Essex County Board of Freeholders." October 30, 2005.

"Final Report: Report to Establish New Jersey Transit’s FY 06 DBE Goals," 2005. Submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Measuring Up: The Impact of Suspensions, Parental Involvement and Textbooks in Four Minneapolis Public Schools," Report to Minneapolis Foundation.

"New Jersey Transit DBE Goals Report to the Federal Transit Authority," 2004 . Report submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Final Report: The Effects of Welfare on Domestic Violence" Sheila D. Ards and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. February 23, 2003, Submitted to National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, Grant No. DOJ/NIJ/99-WT-VX-0003.
Report (pdf) - Appendix tables are linked to the index of the report

"Final Report: An Availability, Utilization and Decomposition Analysis of New Jersey Transit's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program," January 2002, Submitted to New Jersey Transit.

"Racial Disparities in Minnesota Basic Standards Test Scores, 1996-2000" in cooperation with the Office of Teaching & Learning, Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning and SciMathMN, October 16, 2000.

The Impacts of Childhood Abuse on Juvenile Violence." (95 KB) Sheila D. Ards, Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Fang Wan.

  • A paper prepared for presentation at the International Conference "Violence in the Family: A Plan of Action for the 21st Century" 26-30 November 2000 organized by the Cyprus Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family, the University of Cyprus and an International Committee, under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order of Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus.

"The Unintended Impacts of Sentencing Guidelines on Family Structure." 2000.

"A Dream Deferred: The 50/30 Housing Research Initiative Final Report" Yusef Mgeni and Samuel L. Myers Jr., July 1999. A joint publication of The Urban Coalition and the Roy Wilkins Center for Human Relations and Social Justice.

"The Effects of Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) Secondary Market Decisions on Racial Disparities in Loan Rejection Rates." Main Report (92 KB). Samuel L. Myers, Jr. February 3, 1999. Final Report submitted to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research.

"America's Best and Worst Lenders", (originally released as "Who's Financing the American Dream?" A comprehensive study of home purchase lending in 20 large metropolitan areas from 1994 -1996, May 1998) William Milczarski, Samuel L. Myers Jr., and Joshua B. Silver, for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, November 1998.

"Analysis of the 1996 Minnesota Basic Standards Test Data," submitted to the St. Louis Park Public Schools and the Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning, March 1997. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the large racial gaps in test scores on this new, high-stakes test. The effects of individual, school, and program characteristics on student test scores are examined.

Do the Poor Pay More?" An Analysis of Grocery Store Availability, Food Price Disparities, and Market Basket Prices in the Twin Cities Area, submitted to the Urban League of Minneapolis, November 1996.

"Fighting Crime and Violence: The Future Role of the Minneapolis Urban League?" Final Report to the Minneapolis Urban League, December 31, 1995.

"Final Report: Minority Faculty Development Project" submitted to the Midwestern Higher Education Commission (with Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner), May 1995.

"Final Report: The Widening Gap: A Summary and Synthesis of the Debate on Increasing Inequality" (with William A. Darity, Jr.) Submitted to the National Commission for Employment Policy, April 1995.

"Final Report, Race, Poverty, and Housing Policy. " A report submitted to Fannie Mae on Discrimination in Mortgage Lending, from the Fannie Mae University Colloquium, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, December 3-4, 1993.


Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Vanishree Radhakrishna. 2017. "Hate Crimes, Crimes of Atrocity, and Affirmative Action in India and the United States." A paper prepared for the Government of Karnataka International Conference “Reclaiming Social Justice, Revisiting Ambedkar” marking the 126th birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. July 21-23, 2017, Bengaluru, India.

"Growth Areas for Minority Business Enterprise in the Twin Cities", Presentation at Everybody In (EI) Business Capacity Builder's Forum, June 10, 2015

Pipelines vs Pathways video presentation at Spring APPAM Conference, April 2013

Why Diversity is a Smoke Screen for Affirmative Action, Change July/August 1997

Welcoming Diversity on Campus: The Need for Transformation on University Culture by Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner

Public Policy: Law and Order in the Communities of Color and Political Access to Public Policy by Guillermo Rojas.

Understanding Racial Disparities in Unemployment Rates, Prepared for Minnesota Advisory Committee to the US Commission on Civil Rights. September, 2011.