Alumni Mentor Program

Mentoring Program Overview

Since 1987, the Humphrey School Alumni Society's mentoring program has connected students with alumni who share similar professional interests and identities. These connections help students navigate graduate school, gain industry knowledge, and amplify their job search.

Program Information

Running from October to April, the mentor program links students with alumni and professionals with shared career interests and identities, as relevant. Mentors offer insights into career paths and professional networking. Many mentors also gain renewed inspiration and hear updates about the School from their protégés.

We ask for a commitment of at least four meetings between October and April. Either in-person or virtual mentoring will be supported. We also provide conversation guides to support productive relationships. We encourage students to lead these interactions to ensure their questions and needs are addressed.

Mentor Program Staff

Rachel Leatham, director of Career and Student Success
Bryan Bradford, assistant director of Alumni Relations

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For Students: Apply to the Mentor Program

The mentoring program is open to all Humphrey students. Here’s how it works:

  1. Orientation: Complete an online orientation in Canvas. Previous participants can simply retake the quiz to have access to the list of mentors. 
  2. Mentor Selection: Review the list of mentors and select up to four who best match your interests. Explain why each choice would be beneficial.
  3. Matching: We’ll aim to match you with one of your top four choices. While we can’t guarantee a match, we’ll do our best to find a mentor in your field based on your preferences.

Key Dates:

  • Registration: Early September
  • Match Notifications: October
  • Kickoff Events: Late October
  • Program Ends: April, with a final wrap-up event

For Alumni and Friends: Become a Mentor

The Humphrey School’s mentoring program connects students with alumni and professionals who share similar career interests and identities.

Interested in Mentoring?

  • Apply by August 21: Complete the form or email us, and we’ll send you the form directly.
  • Program Details: Mentors will receive orientation materials and additional program information. While we strive to match you with students based on their preferences and career interests, we cannot guarantee a match will be made for all volunteers.
  • Key Dates:
    • Match Notifications: October
    • Kickoff Events: Late October
    • Program Ends: April, with a final wrap-up event 

Why Mentor?
Your experience can help guide students as they navigate their graduate school journeys, careers, and build professional networks. Mentors often find the experience rewarding, gaining fresh perspectives and updates from the School.