Fellowships and Professional Development

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The Humphrey School offers numerous opportunities for professionals in a wide variety of careers to enhance their skills and to increase their involvement with public policy issues.

group of International Fellows at the Humphrey School

International Fellows

The International Fellows Program brings mid-career professionals committed to public service from around the world to the Humphrey School for professional enrichment, leadership development, research, and cultural exchange.

International Scholars

Each year, the Humphrey School hosts a limited number of visiting scholars. We prioritize the match of research interests between visiting scholars and Humphrey School faculty to ensure a rich experience for visiting scholars and promote meaningful collaborations.

Flags from around the world

State Capitol

Minnesota Senior Leadership Institute

Offered in collaboration with the Minnesota Management and Budget Human Resources Department, the Minnesota Senior Leadership Institute is a 10-session executive development program using a cohort model for 30 senior state officials (selected competitively by the State).


Policy Fellows

The Policy Fellows program is one of the country’s most respected public affairs leadership experiences for emerging and mid-career professionals. The nine-month program is unmatched in its interaction with public officials, leadership training, diversity of participants and perspectives, and opportunity to undertake important projects that benefit the wider community. This fellowship is offered by the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance.

2016 Policy Fellows in DC