Hubert H. Humphrey International Fellowship (UMN Law School)
From 2008 until 2015, Law and Human Rights Fellows at the University of Minnesota were hosted by the Human Rights Center at the Walter Mondale Law School. The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides a year of professional enrichment in the United States for experienced professionals from designated countries throughout the world. Fellows are selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or private sector.
Carnegie Fellowship
The Carnegie Fellowship brought scholars from Arab speaking countries to the Humphrey School of Public Affairs for a two week workshop on statistical analysis on economic vulnerability within Arab speaking countries. After the workshop, the Fellows continued their research in their home countries, receiving support from program mentors. The cohort met in person two more times, once for a winter workshop, and for a final workshop at the Humphrey School.
Liberian Government Fellowship
The Liberian Government Fellowship Program provided a year of professional enrichment in the United States for experienced professionals for distinguished public servants within the country of Liberia. Candidates were selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or private sector.
Edmund S. Muskie Fellowship
The Edmund S. Muskie and Freedom Support Act Graduate Fellowship was established in 1992 by the United States government to promote international understanding and cooperation. The objective of the program was to provide leadership training to mid-career professionals from the former Soviet Union. The program focused on the former Soviet Union because of major economic and political transformations that were taking place in the region. During their two-year Fellowship period, Fellows took academic courses and participated in professional internships.
Indian MPA Fellowship
The Indian MPA Fellowship Program was initiated by the Indian Government for the purpose of offering leadership development opportunities to top officers in public service positions in the government of India.
Government of India Fellowship
The Indian government initiated this Fellowship program to offer leadership development opportunities to top officers in public service positions with the government.
U.K. Fulbright for Public Affairs Fellowship
The bi-national United States-United Kingdom Fulbright Commission offers this Fellowship each year to an outstanding U.K. civil servant for study and research at the Humphrey School. The purpose of the Fellowship was to promote collaboration between the United Kingdom and the United States.
Government of South Korea MPA Fellowship
This Fellowship program offered mid-career civil servants with 10 years of professional experience the opportunity to complete the requirements for a Master of Public Affairs degree.
Government of Mexico Fellowship
This Fellowship allowed opportunities for outstanding young Mexicans to pursue Master’s degrees in top foreign universities. It promoted higher education and helped foster a highly competitive and innovative group of Mexican citizens with global perspectives and commitment to the development of their country.