STEP Seminar: Student Capstone Team Presentations

Center for Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy
April 26, 2022 - 11:30 am CDT
- 12:30 pm
Josie Johnson Room 180, Humphrey School
Join us in-person or online for a lunchtime seminar featuring three Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy capstone teams, who will present their projects, methods, and results, and take questions from the audience. Please RSVP for the Zoom link.


Minnesota Public Utilities Commission Data Accessibility and Usability

Sarah Krueger, Andrew Lupton, Mark Teklinski, Jennifer Williamson



Effective Environmental Non-profit Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement Strategies

Samiira Husein, Lily K Johnson, Barb Thees




Agricultural Carbon Markets, Climate-Smart Practice Adoption in MN

Maddie Hansen-Connell, Katie Murphy, Jacqueline Oakes, Megan Schmaltz, and Ian Williams







Contact Info
Questions? Contact [email protected].