Micromobility and the American Urban Environment

Career and Student Success, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
February 20, 2024 - 11:15 am CST
- 12:45 pm
Wilkins Room, Humphrey School 215

Vehicle types influence urban planning and quality of life. In his presentation, Micromobility and the American Urban Environment, Marc Liu delves into the distinctive challenges and opportunities American cities face in the transition towards greater electrification and the embrace of micromobility.


11:15-11:30am – Gather (bring your lunch, we’ll provide a beverage and dessert)

11:30am-12:30pm – Program

12:30-12:45pm – Informal conversation


About Marc

Marc Liu is the Chief Revenue Officer of Civilized Cycles, a light electric vehicle engineering, design, and technology company that manufactures consumer and commercial transportation products. He previously founded and led ELMNTL, a digital marketing agency specializing in travel and hospitality, for 13 years until its acquisition by a private equity firm. Prior to ELMNTL, Marc was a mergers and acquisitions advisor for BDA Partners, specializing in cross-border transactions between Asia, North America, Europe and the Middle East. Marc graduated with a Master of International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, and Sciences Po Paris.