Conservative Voices at the Humphrey School Presents: Parents Matter with Aimee Guidera

Conservative Voices at the Humphrey School Presents: Parents Matter with Aimee Guidera
Center for the Study of Politics and Governance
September 25, 2023 - 12:00 pm CDT
- 1:00 pm
Virtual Via Zoom

Virginia Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera will discuss the policies she’s supported to preserve parents’ rights in education.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has made excellence in education a top priority and his Secretary of Education, Aimee Rogstad Guidera, is responsible for making this vision a reality in the state’s schools. The foundation of their work is the conviction that parents matter in all decisions impacting a child’s health, education, and well being. Congressman Vin Weber and Professor Larry Jacobs will moderate the conversation with Secretary Guidera.

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