Please join us in-person for a campus-wide discussion of reproductive justice to mark International Women’s Day.
Student organizations including Medical Students for Choice, the Humphrey School’s Gender, Sexuality and Policy Event Committee, and Students for Reproductive Freedom will facilitate an introduction to reproductive health; discuss current efforts to ensure access to reproductive health care in Minnesota and on campus; and explore the perspectives that LGBTQ+ and marginalized communities bring to the fight for reproductive and bodily justice.
9:30 Opening Remarks
10-11:30 The Basics of Sex, Reproduction, and the Law (Medical Students for Choice, If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice)
11:45-1 Reconceiving Reproductive Justice (Gender, Sexuality and Policy Events Committee, Gender & Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life, Prof. Erika Rodriguez)
1-2 Lunch
2-3 Campus Reproductive Justice Activism (Students for Reproductive Freedom)
3-3:30 Closing Remarks