Samuel L. Myers, Jr.
Samuel L.
Myers, Jr.
263 Humphrey School
Currently reviewing Ph.D. applicants
Currently reviewing PhD applicants
Areas of Expertise
Academic labor markets; evaluation of anti-racism programs; field experiments measuring racialized perceptions; government procurement and contracting; income inequality in China and the economics of disability in China and the United States; microeconomic policy analysis; modeling of disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) and emerging small business enterprise (ESBE) programs; race-neutral remedies; racial disparities in drowning and competitive swimming and in academic performance; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce


    Samuel L. Myers, Jr. is the Director and Professor, Roy Wilkins Center for Human Relations and Social Justice at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota. Myers holds a concurrent appointment in the Applied Economics Ph.D. Program and the graduate minor in population studies in the Minnesota Population Center. 

    Myers has published extensively on applied microeconomic and policy issues in leading economics and interdisciplinary journals and books and monographs. He is a pioneer in the use of applied econometric techniques to examine racial disparities and discrimination.

    Myers' latest co-authored book, Race Neutrality: Rationalizing Remedies to Racial Inequality (2018) explores the phenomenon of racial discrimination where there are no racists. In 2021-2022, he was a Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar writing a his upcoming book, Minnesota Paradox: Racial Inequality and Progressive Public Policies that provides a definitive historical account of how one of the most liberal and progressive states in the nation became a state with some of the largest racial disparities in social and economic outcomes in the nation.


    PhD in Economics (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976)

    BA (Morgan State University, 1971)