Terri Thao, MPP '02

September 16, 2024

Connect with Terri Thao, MPP '02 via LinkedIn.  Here's some news she recently shared...

Late post but it was great to co-present with Robert Blake and Oriane Casale, MA '98 with facilitation by Kevion Ellis at the 2024 Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Workforce Summit last Thursday, 9/12 in Duluth on the clean economy workforce. I got to present on a partnership between government, non-profits, and philanthropy. Overall I’m excited for these new ways we are working to uplift underserved communities in Minnesota. Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

Terri is a program director with Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies. 

left to right Robert, Terri, Oriane, and Kevin.
From left to right:  Robert Blake, Terri Thao, Oriane Casale, and Kevin Ellis.