STEP Seminar: Environmental Justice & Equity at MPCA

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Logo
Center for Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy
Ned Brooks, Jose Luis Villasenor
October 28, 2020 - 12:00 pm CDT
- 1:00 pm
Ned Brooks, Planning Director and Environmental Justice Coordinator, and Jose Luis Villasenor, Environmental Justice Outreach Coordinator, join this STEP Seminar to discuss how the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is addressing issues of environmental justice and equity.

Join us for a lunchtime seminar with Ned Brooks, Planning Director and Environmental Justice Coordinator, and Jose Luis Villasenor, Environmental Justice Outreach Coordinator, to learn how the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is addressing issues of environmental justice and equity.

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All Minnesotans deserve to live in conditions that support a healthy and fulfilling life. One important part of this is living in an environment with clean air, clean water and unpolluted land. Working to achieve this is at the heart of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s mission to protect and improve our environment and human health.

The MPCA is committed to making sure that pollution does not have a disproportionate impact on any group of people — the principle of environmental justice. This means that all people — regardless of their race, color, national origin or income — benefit from equal levels of environmental protection and have opportunities to participate in decisions that may affect their environment or health.

From the MPCA on Environmental Justice. Read more about the MPCA here.

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