Over the past decade, Metro Transit has developed a growing network of fast, frequent, and reliable transitways aimed at improving the transit experience on the region’s busiest bus routes, cost-effectively improving the customer experience and growing transit ridership. This has even led some to call the region the BRT capital of North America. Join Katie Roth for Arterial BRT in the Twin Cities: Past, Present, and Future and learn more about the successful strategies and lessons learned in building out the system.
About Katie
Katie Roth currently serves as Director of Arterial Bus Rapid Transit at Metro Transit. In this role, she leads a multidisciplinary team responsible for implementing a $470 million program of BRT lines aimed at connecting communities through fast, frequent transitway service. Her team is currently responsible for five BRT projects in active development for completion by 2030, with another seven lines envisioned in regional plans by 2040.
Katie holds a B.A. from Indiana University and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Minnesota. She lives with her family in a walkable, transit-rich south Minneapolis neighborhood and enjoys getting around on foot, bike, e-bike, bus, and train.